The Legacy Book
This legacy book is not for sale; however, the author was kind enough to allow me to show it to you.
Having been a technical, scientific writer all my life, and deciding to write my autobiography, I sought advice from an author friend. He gave me the name of his editor Raven Dodd. After working closely with Raven, I am very thankful for that recommendation. She spent several hours interviewing me and gave me numerous ideas which led, eventually, to meaningful interactions and better “conversations” with those who read my book. I gave copies of my book to friends and family and soon received superb comments from them. This has been a rewarding experience for me, and Raven helped make it so. – Richard Wallin

What’s a legacy book?
A legacy book is a memoir that may not necessarily be for sale, but it is published—and most importantly—it is a gift. It is a gift to be treasured by families and friends while you are still alive and after you are gone.
Some people don’t realize they have a story to tell. My skill as a coach and editor is to help them access what’s already within and find the confidence to tell the story. Feelings and insights are often difficult to articulate. The process of accessing their story is unique for each person, and my job is to help facilitate that process. Then we turn it into a work of art.
I frequently encounter new authors who are afraid they aren’t creative enough. Yet, people are more artistic than they think; they just haven’t considered creativity from a different perspective. There are numerous ways to be inventive: cooking a nice dinner, making furniture, painting a picture. Writing a memoir is like painting a picture of your life. This gift is an enriching and renewable experience for loved ones.
While we may live in a youth-oriented society, legacy books help us to honor our elders. Their wisdom and experiences can always teach us.
You are not invisible.
Sometimes we take our experiences for granted. We may even feel invisible. Writing about your life is like passing light through a prism. Generally, we don’t notice a light beam unless it explodes into color through a prism. As with light, you are a spectrum of colorful experiences. That is what you and I are capturing—the color and texture of your remarkable life.
My job is to help you tell your story through the artistry of words.
Raven has a gift of knowing the right questions to ask that draw the stories out of you, and she is mindful of honoring your voice. My wife and I have had fun giving the books to friends and family. The response has been immensely satisfying, and as I reflect, it offers a new perspective on my life. – Richard Wallin
For the author, the process of creating the legacy book is exciting: The interviews that stir the memories, the back and forth with the text, looking at the interior design, going through ideas for the cover, choosing photographs, and bringing it all together is not only an educational experience but a fascinating one.
Please get in touch with me for details on how this process unfolds.
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