Coaching Authors
For New Writers
You have the urge to write a book, and there is a story that wants to be expressed. Are you inspired to write but don’t know where to start? Do you want to be an artist or writer but think you don’t have a creative bone in your body? Well, you may find that you do. Until now, no one has helped draw it out of you. For some people it comes naturally; others need a little coaching or guidance.
For Experienced Writers
Are you writing from the core of your being with fresh and potent personal expression? Is your inner author’s voice in need of assistance to ignite your passion again? Conatct me and let’s talk about how I can help you.
Here are some of the ways I coach all writers:
I listen for the core message of your story. That is your anchor.
When you get distracted or confused, I bring you back to the reason why you are writing this book. I remind you of your purpose when you may have forgotten it.

I help to draw the story out of you. I look for the parts of your writing that come alive and inspire me, and then I read them back to you. We brainstorm together to find the best way to get through a difficult scene.
To assist with dialogue and word choice, I provide you with charts that clarify grammar and punctuation, commonly misused words, etc. I share articles that help with various aspects of writing.
Coaching the Whole Process
New beginnings are exhilarating, re-energizing, and life-affirming. However, they also can come with anxiety, fear of the unknown, and a feeling that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. I guide you through the writing and (if you wish) the self-publishing. As your partner in this process, I will help you find the way forward.
I would consider it a privilege to work on your book with you.
Life Coaching
I heed your words. I listen to your breath. My job as your coach is to assist you in resolving issues and finding peace of mind. When you forget your truth—your song, I sing it back to you. If you get lost in the past or future, my intention is to guide you back to the present moment. My most important values are integrity, compassion, kindness, and humor. That’s how I coach, and that’s how I care about you.
Please contact me for more information on how I can help you—in person or on a video call.